I have slowly, but surely, been saying my goodbyes to individuals here. Tonight was my girls’ going-away party. A tea party decorated with burlap and lace, with the sweets and the wines glowing from the candles, it was a party that was precious and lovely. Not merely due to the serene surrounding I sat in, but due to the incredible women that joined me.
Nine ladies and myself. Nine women that I did not know this time last year, ranging from all different ages, all different life-stages – they are girls that have lived this last year of life with me. Each one of them has taught me something new, shown me something different.
We laughed a lot and we probably ate too much sugar, we chatted away and acted as girls do. But when the night came to a close, as these dear friends of mine prayed over me it was another string being hit – its time to leave Jbay. Whether I am willing, whether it is appealing, whether it is right or good – it is time.
Before the night completely closed, and we said our farewells, these sweet girls gave me letters and cards – items that mean the world to me. I can see each of their creativity, their uniqueness, their beauty; I can see their hearts through their words. And even though we only shared a year together, even though we only shared a hand full of meals together, a handful of memories; the words they spoke to me meant the world to me... and more.
I have yet to realize the grave impact each one of these women made on my life – and I am sure as I fly London bound on that airplane that I will see things in a new light and with tears in my eyes.
So tonight, night number 273 in South Africa – night number 5 for the countdown until I depart – my last Friday night in Jbay is a night I will never forget for the rest of my life. Because it doesn’t matter the mountains you hike, the horses you ride, the jail cells you dodge, the walls you climb – what matters are those tea parties that you have with those beautiful, amazing, God-fearing women that make you smile because they care so deeply, that make your eyes fill with tears because you find yourself in awe that God would bless you with such great company at a tea-lit tea party set by the sea.
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