As I write this I'm already feeling sleepy and my eyelids are getting heavy with knowing I need to be up by 5am tomorrow. So this may be another short blog ....
Tuesday and Wednesday were two days that were quite similar to one another. Nick had to work so he didn't have to play tour guide for another day, so I had two days to myself. I spent both of the days exploring and wandering aimlessly around London, getting lost only a handful of times :) I found myself in great local shops, stumbling upon hidden roads that have secrets that are dazzling. Although I must admit it to you both days I had starbucks cofffee :)
The packed filled streets of London continually keep me in a daze trying to figure out which direction is which and with buildings so tall you can't see the horizon and cloudy skies that block out the sun my sense of direction completely comes from within, which actually kept me from getting too terribly lost. Today I came across vintage thrift shops, a bubble tea shop, china town and a vegan, curry juice bar! All of which were great (and tasty if I made add) experiences!!
Tuesday and Wednesday evening were both similar as well, for I joined Nick to churchy things. Tuesday we went to his cell group and Wednesday we went to his church's 'Alpha' course. Both nights were so fantastic! I can't elaborate on how much I thoroughly enjoyed the company of these local English folk and hearing how God is working in their lives. It is such a blessing to get a front row seat to this London community forming out of Kings Cross. Such a blessing to hear individual's hearts as they wrestle with life just trying to pull themselves nearer to God and trying to live life as intentionally as possible with those around them.
And as I said, this will be a short blog, for I must go pack because tomorrow at 5:00am I am catching a bus to catch yet again another airplane. A week ago today I was in South Africa, today London, tomorrow Germany, Saturday Switzerland.
Nick and I are leaving London tomorrow to meet up with my good friends Janis and Christian. Were spending the weekend together in Switzerland and then I am staying an extra few days with them in Germany. My words cannot explain how happy my heart is too be seeing a dear friend!!
So this is what you have to look forward toward to, days hiking and exploring the Swiss alps, helping out with basketball ministry in Germany, more London exploration and then I'm planning a trip for Scotland that has to do with organic gardening, cooking and wildlife conservation! :D So I am thankful for these last days spent in the good company of Nick Mack in good 'ol London town and I am so anxious for the days to come!
But right now I'm ridiculously anxious for my pillow .... good night friends ... you'll be hearing from me soon ...

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