But that's not the only thing I have yet to figure out. I have to figure out why I am here. Why on earth did I travel over 9,634 miles across the world to end up on a beach with a population of no more than 8,000 people. Well I suppose I don't have to figure it out, but I would like to. Because the only way to describe the path my mind goes, the weight my heart holds, the sound my soul is playing is: bewildered, muddled, addled, befuddled,disoriented, flummoxed, clueless, discombobulated. It doesn't matter what word you use, they are all the same.
The sea helps calm me in the midst of this confusion though, the sea has always helped to calm me so I suppose it is good I am now living only a few blocks from it. This morning I took a run from my flat down the winding hills to find the water. I felt like Alice in Wonderland, you know, she had no idea where she was or even who she was in that moment, but she decided "Well there is gravity to keep my feet planted on the ground and there is air for me to breathe, I may as well go look around."
Running barefoot on that soft sand you know you aren't in America's mid-west anymore. As I ran this morning there was an overcast coloring the billows that fell upon the white-crested waves of the sea and a southern wind that blew unlike Nebraskan's "I will knock you over" wind - but it blew as if it were a child who was running so hard to you to hug you even faster, because he loved you so much. It blew hard, swarmed you and then gave you a moment to breathe.

You could hear the chords that play the
beat that the South African's march to, sounds of work, sounds of status, sounds of pride whether it be bathed with dignity or indignity. As I ran the open shore line that was stamped with rocks to go out and greet the waves, I ran alone. I crossed the east side of America, to fly over the Sargasso Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, to rest in Dakar to fly once again the length of Africa's country. And there I stood on the beach, alone, wondering about the land of Antarctica, that lays just on the other side of the water. But I am not alone, I know I will never be lonely. I have songs in my blood that carry the love of the Lord.
You know He understands the waters and how to make fishers of men, our God is a man of the sea. And ultimately I have left everything I know, everyone I know to follow the man and the sea. Knowing confidently that when that moment comes when I wade to deep into these waters that He will rescue me.
So here's to now. Here's to being lost in a whirlwind of confusion, here's to not having a map to life. Here's to surfing the seas, turning something that can kill you into your very own playground. Here's to now. Here's to having a dream, even if you don't know exactly what that dream is, here's to chasing your dreams, even if you don't have a path laid before you. Here's to the acceptance that sometimes you have to wave goodbye, not only to your home and to your safety net, but to yourself. Here's to leaving everything behind to follow the man and the sea.
Wow Jordan, I am super inspired right now! (so glad I found your blog), this is inspiring me to tears of joy and anxiousness. I am on a journey somewhat different than yours and I have struggled so much in mine. Mine is about getting healthy and losing weight so I can have the energy to persue my dreams. To live my life differently than I have. Your writing has affected me in a very strong way. Not to many things have affected me or inspired me to get my dreams in motion. You my dear girl have done that today. I will probably read this blog over and over. It is motivating me and helping me to dream again. I had a quote in my last blog written by DR MLK Jr "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step" You are taking that step where I keep getting hung up on the first one because I am so unsure of where I am going with it. I need to learn to trust Jesus in this better than I have and not be so afriad. Thanks for sharing your journey, I will be praying and watching as you go through this chapter in your life.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing that Lisa!! God taught me something so important today! ... My thought process lately has been, "I am here, so what should I be doing? Who should I be?" But today God helped me realize that my thought process should actually be, "God is here, what is he doing? How can I join him? Who does he want me to become?" ... I believe that is very applicable to your life as well. We should be asking ourselves not 'Who do I want to be?' but 'Who does God want me to be?' ... by asking that we are not only in the right mind frame but when we have to go take that first frightful step we can take it confidently, knowing God is stepping with us :)
ReplyDeleteI am thanking God that he opened up a way for us to meet! I appreciate that you are sharing what you are learning and how you are growing...you have no idea how badly I needed to read what you have written. I am again in tears. I feel like a door has opened that I could not push through or at least understand. All week I have been trying to formulate some answers to move on from where I sit. To get myself in motion. To make changes I couldn't quit put my finger on. I have been trying to figure out why my journey keeps crashing and I keep having to pick myself back up and make another attempt at it.
ReplyDeleteI figured out what I am afraid of and it is the not knowing what I am working towards. I can take the new steps I have not been able to climb. God has the plan even if I can't see it, I just know I have to do my part and let him take hold.
I shared with a friend at church today, with tears flowing, about you and how you have impacted me how you are teaching me. This little girl from central Nebraska who is on an amazing journey, teaching me from 9,000+ miles away.
I am going to quote you in my next blog, hope that is ok. Some of your words really lifted me up and gave me the insight I needed. I thank you. Keep your eyes wide open and see what God is doing. He brought you to me to help me grow even with the 9,000 miles of seperation. :) Loves to you girl, Lisa Kildoo