Although I love South Africa for a lot of different reasons for its people, culture and nature; there is something in me attached to South Africa and I do believe that it is the adventure. In my head South Africa was always the ultimate adventure, the country on the tip of Africa touching the world’s most southern sea. I would sit on the beach in Jeffreys and I would dream about jumping on one of those boats and heading straight south until we found pirates and penguins. To me South Africa was the gateway to the ultimate feats– and now I have to walk away from that door that rests at the world’s end. So I feel there is a right to mourn, to mourn for this epic challenge has come to a close.
And so now on this cloudy Tuesday when I have decided to fully embrace my lonesome blues because I am forced to wave goodbye to this country, to this season, I do wave with a longing. This year wasn’t an easy one for me and if you are close to me you heard some of my pains, but in those mountains of storm I never wanted to depart from this adventure but now the day has come and I have no idea how it came so quickly.
I think my goodbyes are so hard because I am used to going on an adventure and then going back to my ‘regular’ life – at least that was what I did from ages 13-21 and I feel as if that is what is happening now, but friends that’s not the case. I spent all of year 22 on the most epic, the most southern adventure I’ve ever had and now I’m entering into another adventure.
I am departing from South Africa tomorrow morning at 10:20 and flying into another grand escapade!! So follow me if you will, but here I jump from the southern sea and head towards the northern euro metropolis where I will explore for a month before heading back to Yankee soil.
Here’s the next few months of this adventure I call my life…
South Africa--> London --> Switzerland --> Germany --> London--> New York City --> Kansas City --> Phoenix --> Flagstaff, AZ --> Lincoln, NE --> Joplin, MO --> Lexington, NE --> California
Each spot will be an adventure all in its own, from spending time with old friends and new friends, to exploring European cultures, shopping and hiking and coffee tasting to eating Thanksgiving dinner with my family, to weddings, to surfing and snowboarding. Spending no longer than a week in each city I will be traveling constantly until mid-January, even then having no end in sight.
So Goodbye South Africa, we had a grand adventure you and I, thank you for always keeping me entertained, for teaching me about myself and for maturing me into the woman I am today. I gave you a piece of my heart and I plan on returning for it someday.
And now I look to you, Europe and America, so get ready and hold onto your pants because as soon as I hit your soil caffeinated, action packed, grand schemes are going to form and create the next, greatest adventure my life has seen!
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