We are constantly hearing the voices that surround us say, "that is so weird, that is different" As those individuals alienate the object of their discretion, they beat them into the ground denouncing it/him/her of all humanity that they once obtained.
Yes, you, when you disagree with someone because of what they eat, when you look lowly upon an individual due to the way they dress or react to relationships you are rejecting them of all the dignity they are truly worthy of having!
Why do we say that is different? obscure, weird, crazy, disgusting? Why do our faces make such an ugly face when we see something we are so unfamiliar with? Is it really that big of a deal? That big of a deal to be thrown completely outside of your comfort zone?
We all live in a bubble. No matter what that bubble may be. There are worlds out there, whether it is a different international world, like the stone-age tribes in Brazil, or the sophisticated in Sweden, or the self-controlled of Thailand - maybe the other world is the political world, the business world, the gypsies, the boarders, the granolas, the preps, the scholarly, the musicians, the rebels, the bikers; so many worlds out there, too many for you to be a part of. And yet when we are introduced to a style of their living we tend to glare upon it with our glorious googely eyes.
Friend, life is all about perspectives. Whenever you think something is gross, something is weird; think about the fact that somewhere in the world to some individual THAT is normal, THAT is comfortable. You do not have to like it, you don't have to enjoy it (whatever 'it' may be). You can end up not liking it, I will never be disappointed in your taste buds for not liking sushi, but I would be disappointed in you for not ever trying it because you think it's gross.
Just try to see the world, from another perspective, open your eyes. Look at it from their point of view. You don't always have to agree. But o, what a beautiful sight it is too see something brand new! Too see something you never even knew existed upon this earth, whether it is horrid or glorious. Everyone's personality is different, but from my own personal experience, stepping out of my comfort zone has always been the best decision. Just lifting my foot off the ground of familiarity and placing it onto the land of the unknown is always a journey worth having!
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