Between Lindsey's screams and Sonja's squeaks I realize our tv is not willing to cooperate and we are in the most intense moment of 'The Bachelor.' Although, our television deciding to have a mind of its own and seeming as if it has a desire to completely ruin our lives, it is not the only faulty finding we have come across in these last 7 and a half months of living at Norman Ville.
It started with scratches on the inside of the wall and poop findings in the drawers, when we had to admit that we were sharing our duplex not only with an itty-bitty old lady and her dashing husband but a mouse. We were a little worried about sharing the inner part of our house with a mouse. Until, we realized we were sharing the outer part of our home with a creeper. Between his foot steps and cigarette butts we came across the perverted peeker that was peeking on us. With sleepovers in one bedroom and phone calls to the local detective and drive-bys from the local police we are seeking to capture our little creepy creeper.
Norman has been a journey all in its own. Even though I am the lone blonde, I have not journeyed alone. I have a loving, incredible, yet heartless brunette beanstalk who lives across the hall from me, who for the past 2 years of my life slept 2 feet across from me. And now 4 feet across from me lives another brunette an emotional, baby lovin, food cookin of a woman.
We rearrange on a regular basis, we have framed photos of Jim and Pam, we dance around in our Christmas attire and when Sonja makes pop-corn from scratch it tends to jump from the kitchen into the family room. And we find bundles of webs from our spider friends on the ceiling and poop droppings from our mice pals along with left over lingere from the gals and cigarette butts from our stalker bud. Our neighbors to our left hate us because we spy on them and I drove through their lawn with my jeep (whoops) while our neighbors to our right stand and stare like we're part of a circus show. But I promise you, we here at Norman Ville, are very Normal.
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