Where do I begin? The days seem as if they are starting to blur together, one by one passing us by without a concern for our well-being. You would think that the sun rose and set on it's own time, does the sun not realize that we three (for the current moment four) ladies have some fun to be having, some dancing to be doing, some conversing to be had?
We landed ourselves in Long Island a few days ago and this stop has never been a regret in our minds. The sunshine is just as bright here as down in the south and the beaches just as welcoming. We laid out our towels and soaked up as much vitamin D and salt water as we possibly could on Saturday. It was a day full of rest and relaxation, a day we all needed after being run over by the speed of the New York city lifestyle. So what did we do after a blissful day on the local beaches of West Hampton? We went to an Irish pub for corned beef and cabbage and a couple of the best burgers on this side of Riverhead. After 6 cups of coffee, an amazing conversation, some eavesdropping on our table neighbors and some good-hearted flirting with our waitor in order to get free desert (which we did, I may add). We met back up with our tour guide hippie so she could lead us to a beach that was loaded with people, music and dancing. I have to admit, I never knew Candice could dance like that and I had no idea Lacey attracted as many men as she did.
Candice fluttered her feet with a Swede and decided to give every attractive man there a hit to their self-esteem by going up to their dorky, not-so-attractive, shy friends and asking them to dance. While Lacey had intriguing conversations with Egyptian travelers and Irish men. Whoever knew a Long Island sandbar would be so international after the moon rose into the star-filled sky? Our heads finally hit our pillows at 6am. But do not fret, we were still fully capable to get up in time for some afternoon shopping. And we finished off this lovely evening by eating at Buoy One and if I may brag I stuffed my face with lobster and mussels and shrimp galore.
Words to describe us: Lacey - a strong rock, Candice - spunky & curious, myself - driven & passionate ... we have indeed learned about one another, learned minor & major characteristics and habits, gained perspective from each other, developed respect & protection for each other. I guess that's what road trips do, I suppose that's what they bring out. If you are in the right mind set that is. I have a feeling no matter what we will get ourselves into: a broken down car, a broke credit card account, a sleepless night, a robbery, a temptation, a random circus act, a hidden lamp that beholds a magical genie; I feel that we will succeed. Because we are looking to grow stronger and wiser with Jesus on our mind & in our heart. As Peck said: We are sharing our similarities and celebrating our differences. Whether that may be in our political views, interpretation of the Word, dancing moves, or eating habits. People are different from me, Thank God.
Tomorrow we surf.
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