Today, because it is a warm, sunny Saturday after a busy, productive week and because there is a chilly breeze blowing the tree's leaves and I'm wearing a over-sized wool sweater - today's writings will be on food. Although it probably has nothing to do with the easy, breezy Saturday - but more with that fact that I started my day of with home-made South African ripe fig jam & for lunch I'll be devouring my left overs from last night's baked eggs with ratatouille dinner.
Food. Something that we all can't live without, an item we have every single day. I have seen people destroy their lives because of food, idolizing it in some way or form. I have seen people change their lives with merely their diet. I have watched individuals succeed in life physically, emotionally, financially simply because of food. I think we over look the power food holds on a lot of individuals, I think we overlook the essence that lives within most foods.
Now food can be utterly disgusting. It can taste bad, smell bad, be bad for you. It can be loaded with repulsive ingredients and sold at revolting prices. It can make your tummy nauseous as well as overly plump. But I don't want to think about those foods, about processed, chemical-loaded, junk-filled, fast-served, stomach-turning foods. I want to talk about delicious goodness...
I absolutely love food! I love raw foods, raw ingredients. The idea of growing something in your garden, letting the earth and the rain and the sun do the work, picking that food and then being able to energize my body with it, warms my soul. I like natural foods, healthy foods; but what about my favorites...
The list could go on and on about my favorite foods; ham has always made my mouth water, I have an ever-growing sweet tooth, and on and on. But for this sunny breezy day, two foods I have learned I lust after: Pumpkin & Figs. Give them to me in any shape or form and I will devour them.

But on another edible note: what about South African food?? ... Well South Africa's top choice is always to braai, grilling meat over an open fire. Which I have grown overly-fond of. Now so far a lot of my food hasn't been ethnic Afrikaans, but it has been so deliciously scrumptious. You will find biltong (kind of beef jerky) and dried fruit around any corner. And a step up from their braais is when they have a potjieko (type of stew) which is, of course, divine. So, there are loads of food I have heard rumors about, loads of delicacies my mouth has already watered over. One edible item that I will eat until I'm sick is a roostercoek (essentially its a ham and egg sandwich, but only if you could see this bread and meat and egg, wow!)
To sum it up: Some food is bad. Some good. Some entirely divine. At one point, over-rated, at another not given enough credit. South Africa: beyond succulent. How ever you say it, nutrients, cuisines, edibles, rations, nosh, grub, chow - food is needed by your body and your soul. Not only a necessity, but a pleasure. It's common ground, anywhere in the world, with any individual.
Go eat. Eat something lip-smacking, finger-licking, nummy, yummy scrumptious. Feed your tummy & your soul.
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