
Monday, February 7, 2011

I suppose it’s time for another blog. Time for another write up on my life here in Jeffreys Bay. Although my life is 540 degrees different from how it was a month ago – I feel as if the words that normally flow quickly and easily off these fingertips of mine are, today, coming up short. Coming up short with words that are suppose to explain the beauty this land captures, ceasing sentences that are suppose to sum up my soul, pausing paragraphs that apparently update you with the props that fill my days.

So here are my words, so few but just for you, because I think your reading this. I was thinking as I walked the other day, thinking about my life. How my life is the opposite of most people living life today. I have money to spend and no plans to accomplish, I have nothing holding me back, and every desire to see and change this world of ours. But the farther my doors open, the larger my wings grow, the more vast that distant horizon grows; I become more grounded, more at peace, more content, more settled.

Maybe it’s because we, as humans, don’t know what to do with our freedom once we have it. It’s like criminals who have been in jail most of their lives, they are released and have no clue how to live outside of those iron, barbed-wired gates. It’s like a soldier who has only known war and his band of brothers, and the mass confusion and loss he feels when put back into our society. Maybe it’s because we, as humans, don’t know what to do with our freedom once we have it.

Maybe it’s because I’ve grown and I’ve seen. Maybe it’s because I have finally reached the point in my life I have always wanted. Living in a foreign country, having Jack Johnson be the soundtrack to my life as we wake up to the sea and walk it’s sandy paths daily, living in the surfing culture, attempting to change the world. Maybe because I have faced my fears and conquered them all.

Hardly. I haven’t even glanced at my long list of fears, and I haven’t come close to kicking them. My list of dreams, is still like my list of fears, growing daily and ultimately endless. The more I’ve grown, the less I know; the more I see, the more I realize how little I’ve actually seen.

The other day I was walking along Jbay’s lagoons, along the eastern side of this surf town. With rolling dunes you would think you were in a desert, but then just beyond those sand dunes, the sea rolled. You would look to your right and you had the unmethodical desert, but to your left was the shallow left over water due to JBay’s drought. The shallow lake closed in with deep green figs and brush that created an adventurous Huckleberry Fin type island. And out of the lagoon came about 40 flamingos, flying synchronized and steady. As if they heard the classical piano playing in the background and knew they needed to dance in tune with the sunset’s rays.

As my bare feet sunk into the sand’s depths and my hair wrapped around in the on-shore wind, I claimed I had found my new favorite place in Jeffreys Bay. No thoughts came to my mind, no worries to my heart, no longings of my soul. Nothing. …Hardly.

Because in that moment, in this freedom, in this surf town hidden away in a bay; my heart has been meeting God, hearing how this is where I am meant to be, seeing how this is where He is. My heart, my mind, my soul; is mummified in longings and desires today. My heart, my mind, my soul; is incased with the abundance God is trying to teach me.

My few words are actually not so few. Unorganized, cluttered, and confused; yes, but few? Not really. I mean I’m an American mid-west girl chasing God in an attempt to change the world from the African surfing culture. A wealthy writing, yogi, studying philanthropy and how to be poor in the spirit, with the hopes to be rich in Christ; functioning off of fruit, fun and mix-matched fashion. At a loss for words? You wish. :)


  1. Jordan, sometimes, i read your posts and think nothing of them.
    other times, like this one, i read it and have to stop half way through it and re read it. NOT because its confusing or misunderstood, but because i get a vision of God in your life and want a bigger vision, so i stop, reread to purposefully send shivers down my spine.
    good job God.

  2. this is not me calling you God, this is me saying good job to him in what all He does.
