“I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with my work. I resent the limitations of my own imagination.”
- Walt Disney
Today I am feeling so inspired! Not for sure, possibly the fantastic cup of Sidamo natural coffee I am sipping or even the musical piano notes that are playing in my ears, or maybe it is just because in my line of view I can see a giant picture of a vintage airplane flying in the clouds.
I believe in inspiration and imagination, I believe these two things could possibly be the largest things that help us become not only who we are but what we do, what we create. Because what does inspire you? Is it music, people, films, clothes, buildings, cities, nature, love? What has that capability of sparking your hearts wires so that they ignite within one another and light a little flame in your heart, that has the potential to send a warm wave throughout your entire body, touching every limb and fiber that creates the physical and mortal structure of YOU. What match is it? And if there isn't one, if you cannot think of a moment when you heard your heart pounding and your mind going wild and your smile uncontainable, then dear friend Go, find that spark!
Because what inspires your imagination will help you figure out who you are, who you were destined to be. It will help you create yourself, outside of yourself. If you planted a garden today of inspiration, a garden of what your tangible imagination would look like; what would be planted in that garden?
Go, explore, experiment, be invigorated, be inspired. Touch the corners of your heart that are yearning to get out and be heard. Allow yourself to show the world who YOU truly are. Because seeing the core of your heart and the mechanics of your inner clock work, is inspiring to the rest of us :)

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