- You can avoid rules and order, actually you should. Bring the spontaneity in your life at full force. The systematic structure, is good and helpful and sometimes brilliant, but it can never replace the organic growing and changing of having impromptu disorder be the system for your life.
- Don’t just embrace chaos, but create a little bit of it. Constant change will only keep you (and the people around you) nimble and flexible, ever growing, ever learning. Within this chaos, be creative – as creative as you want to be and encourage the creativity and ingenuity of those around you.
- You have to be flexible. All the time, everyday, no matter the project – being flexible is the best asset you can have.
- Embrace and Empower and Embark. You have the capability to embrace anyone, any idea and anything. Do not just observe but seriously consider going for something, embrace possibilities. Empower anyone, any idea and anything. You have the capability to empower anything in your life. And embark on all you want – all your dreams and all your desires.
- It’s all about God. Who you are, who you will become, who you want to become is all dependent on God and that’s the only thing it should be dependent on. What you want to do, should be all focused on God. Your entire life will always, should always revolve entirely around our God.

That's mainly what I have learned from the lovely folk at CSA, my coworkers and community. And this is what I have learned from SA culture...
Stay on the left side of the road.

Eat lots of chutney and use lots of zam-buk.
This rainbow country has the most extreme colors in their rainbow.
Braai with pride.
Love Mandela.
Respect the wildlife: the lions and elephants as well as the Nguni cattle and the neighbor's dog
Robots are not like R2D2.
Now does NOT mean now.
‘Eish!’ is for surprise, not short for quiche.
Understanding a country’s history will change your view on everything you see.
The best foods start with ‘B’ biltong, bobotie, boerewors, bunny chow.
You’ll die from dehydration if you don’t like rooibos.
And the best way to reply to ‘Howzit Boet?’ is always lekker!
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