i believe any type of art form is you being outside of yourself. You expressing your soul
your being to the world.

When you watch a dance you feel empowered, you feel like you know beauty and can finally possibly capture the fibers of harmony. [just imagine how empowered the actual dancer feels] becoming one with music, one with lyrics and chords
and noises that when all brought together make a sweet melody. It is a moment, a collision of two art forms slamming into our world. Slapping our world in the face, saying do not be ugly, do not be harsh. Do not let the wares and tares that have been burned upon you to leave their scare. For in the midst of this chaos we call life, in the midst of this ever growing evil we see cratering under our feet and collapsing over our heads, we still can bring in beauty and love and a melody that is willing to fight with power on the stands of truth and grace.
You, my dear reader, you as an individual are truly grace on earth. But there is a power lying within your bones. And it is your choice to come outside of yourself and in some way or form show your soul to the world. My heart yearns for the world to see itself how I see it. Many a times I have wondered how my rib cage is so strong, strong enough to hold my heart inside my chest on those days when I feel like it is going to burst out and completely fly out of me so that it may have a standing chance to show the world what love is, what beauty is. So, go out there, get out there; be more, get out of yourself. Be larger, be more beautiful, more powerful, Show a glorified light onto the soil of our earth.

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