I was running the other day and had some thoughts come my way, thoughts that correlated running with living. That correlated the concrete road that I was jogging down with this rugged path that I am passing days with.
I was jogging, just warmed up, in the best part of my run, about kilometer 5. And there was a massive wind this day, about 35 mph, that was pushing and shoving me around. As I was running the incline on the side of one of Jbay's main roads the wind picked up on my back, as I thought with a smile 'this is quite fun, quite enjoyable, and the wind is just helping me along on this nice little run.' And then I realized what was really happening, the wind was causing me to pick up my pace, with 5 kilometers left to go I noted if I go any quicker than the set pace I'll be killing myself on that last 400 meters of straight up-hill to my flat. So quickly my smile turned to grimace as I no longer used the wind as an advantage but resisted against it, attempting to keep my set pace.
I starting thinking about running the path of life, that korny cliche that always comes into my mind while on runs during such a transitional period of life. And I began thinking how easily this run could be no fun. I was running about 10ks that day, with a very strong, winter bitter wind beating against my naked legs, cars streaming past me with no concern for my safety. And I could be quite agitated, ready to quit, to walk, to just go back home. But I truly was thoroughly enjoying my run even in the midst of the obstacles. And I owe it to my faithful ipod. The music I was listening to kept me so stoked for this run, it made the obstacles just entertaining and challenging rather than difficult and discouraging. Songs like this and this and even this one. Helped me to jump and jive while i jogged.
And this is where I relate it to life...
In life we always have noise filling our ear drums. From our community to our environment to whatever it is that we decide to fill our hearing vices with. And sometimes, its aginast our choice, we are set, stuck, in a community that is filling us with noise and we don't have ear plugs thick enough to keep it out. That noise will make all the difference. You may be on a difficult run, a path that God placed you on that you need to run because it will turn you into a grand person, a path you need to experience because it will only help you grow - and it could be a fun growth, an enjoyable time.
But if I would have been listening to mellow music, to sorrowful songs, or to lowly lyrics I can promise you I would not have enjoyed that run, I would have taken a short cut home in order to escape the winds blow.
The noise you put in your head, in your heart, will completely dictate not only your journey but your attitude as you take it - your final outcome. Community is one of the most important things in life, one of the most needed things - you will hear noise, no matter what, but you can choose what noise that is.
Thank you as always for your inspiring actions and thoughts! Getting an ear/mind full by reading to help me stay focused!